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I am a PhD student in Computer Science and NSF Graduate Research Fellow at Cornell Tech. I work at the intersection of machine learning and causal inference.

I am advised by Dr. Fei Wang, Dr. Volodymyr Kuleshov, and Dr. Kyra Gan. I am affiliated with the Weill Cornell Medicine Institute of AI for Digital Health. The first year of my PhD was internally funded by the Presidential Life Science Fellowship. Formally, my concentrations are in artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and applied probability and statistics.


Jacqueline Maasch at Cornell Tech


My works in progress are mainly in causal discovery: the theory and practice of learning causal structure from data. My research is motivated by urgent biomedical problems, including drug discovery and bias detection in healthcare. I am an incoming Research Intern in causal inference at Microsoft Research Cambridge. As a Clinical Data Science Intern at Boehringer Ingelheim, I investigated deep learning methods for survival analysis.

My research interests include:

  • Probabilistic, generative, and latent variable models.
  • Causal graphical models and causal reasoning.
  • The challenges that arise in low-data settings.
  • The automation and acceleration of scientific discovery and clinical research.
A subset of my recent works are highlighted below. The rest of my publications can be accessed through Google Scholar.

Local Discovery by Partitioning: Polynomial-Time Causal Discovery Around Exposure-Outcome Pairs. Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. 2024. J Maasch, W Pan, S Gupta, V Kuleshov, K Gan, F Wang.
A preliminary version of this work was presented at the NeurIPS 2023 Causal Representation Learning Workshop.

[ arXiv ] [ poster ] [ slides ]

Local causal discovery enables efficient automated covariate selection under limited prior knowledge with guarantees on correctness.

Molecular de-extinction of ancient antimicrobial peptides enabled by machine learning. Cell Host & Microbe 31. 2023. J Maasch*, M Torres*, M Melo, C de la Fuente. *Equal contribution.

[ paper ] [ code ] [ nature news ] [ cnn ] [ vox ]

Machine learning guides bioinspired prospection for encrypted antimicrobial peptides that display in vitro and in vivo activity with low host toxicity.


In 2023, I co-organized Cornell's interdepartmental Causal Reading Group, a student-led discussion group on causality and causal inference. I co-developed CS 6006: Succeeding in the Graduate Environment, the first-year PhD seminar at Cornell Computer Science. With students at Cornell, MIT, and NJIT, I co-organized the 2024 NYC meetup for the Learning on Graphs Conference, Learning Meets Geometry, Graphs, and Networks. I am a student leader for the PhD admissions and recruitment process at Cornell Tech.


I have served as a referee for the following venues: [Computing] International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS); Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) Rolling Review; ICML Workshop on Structured Probabilistic Inference & Generative Modeling (SPIGM); NeurIPS Women in Machine Learning Workshop (WiML). [Life sciences] Communications Biology (Nature Portfolio); Bioinformatics (Oxford Academic); ACS Infectious Diseases (American Chemical Society).


As a master's student researcher at Penn Engineering, I used machine learning to investigate the physicochemical properties and therapeutic potential of antimicrobial peptides. My master's research was supported by the University of Pennsylvania's GAPSA-Provost Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Innovation and the Reproducible Research Fellowship, funded by the Open Knowledge Foundation and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

Prior to this, I was a research assistant in various clinical and experimental biology labs. As an experimentalist, I helped develop molecular diagnostics for neglected tropical diseases in academia and for viral pathogens in industry.


Preferred contact: In general, I can be reached through LinkedIn.

Pronouns: they / them.
If you are new to non-binary pronouns, here are some examples for how to use them in a grammatical way from Merriam Webster, the MLA Style Guide, and the APA Style Guide.

echo @ | sed 's/^/maasch/' | sed 's/$/cs.cornell.edu/'

Updated November 2023. This website was adapted by J. Maasch from this source code.